Republic of Moldova

Republic of Moldova

This tiny country in the eastern corner of Europe has seen an important wine evolution in the last two decades.  Some of the first mentions of wines in Moldova  are from 1400-1432, when Grigore Ureche mentions vineyards under the reign of Alexander the Good. One of the first wine schools in Europe was founded in the village of Stauceni in 1842. In 1940 Bessarabia was anexed by the Soviet Union under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and after a brief Romanian occupation in 1944, Moldova became part of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

During the communism, the Soviet Union has become the main wine market for Moldova, and the main focus was  the export of bulk  semi-dry and semi-sweet wine. After the fall of communism in 1989, Moldova continued for more than 15 years to produce mostly the same styles of wines with only 10% of the prroduction being dry wines. The evolution of the wine industry was massively affected by the Russian wine embargos in 2006 and 2013, a crucial moment when the producers decided to focus on different markets and produce modern styles of wines.

There are 3 main wine egions in Moldova:

Codru Region-central: the largest vineyards area in the country with a continental climate, long mild winters and long and sunny autumn and summer. The altitude in around 100-150 meters above the sea level and 75% of the area consists of rolling hills. The soils are typically grey forest soils and chernozems. The forested slopes around provide favourabe microclimates and  frost protection. The region is notes specifically for crisp white wines and red varieties are planted in warmer site.

Ștefan-Vodă-South East: the region has a lot of influence from the Black Sea. The climate is moderate continental and the highest point is around 120 meters with 73% slopes. The soils here are carbonated chernozems with portions of clay. This zone is mostly noted for red grapes.

Valul lui Traian- South: this is the warmest and the driest region of Moldova, and the climate is Mediterranen with warm dry summers and short mild winters. Atltitude ranges from 5-300 meters with an average of 110 meters. The Dniester and Prut River create valleys with favourable aspects for grapes growing. Soils here are carbonated chernozems with some portions of clay and sand. The region is noted for complex and powerful red wines, full bodied whites and sweet red wines.





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